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Registrasi Peserta ISIF 2024

Siapa Peserta ISIF ?

Materi One Day Training CSV:

  • Konsep CSV, Perbedaan dengan Konsep-Konsep Lain Dalam Ranah Keberlanjutan
  • Manfaat CSV Bagi Perusahaan dan Pemangku Kepentingan
  • Bagaimana Mengintegrasikan CSV ke Dalam Model Bisnis
  • Strategi-Strategi Dalam CSV
  • Beberapa Contoh Implementasi CSV yang Perlu Dikritik
  • Best Practice CSV di Indonesia dan Dunia
  • Masa Depan CSV di Indonesia dan Dunia

Materi One Day Training SROI:

  • Mengapa Perlu Mengukur Dampak Program?
  • Teknik-Teknik Pengungkapan Dampak
  • Rumus Penghitungan SROI
  • Prinsip-Prinsip SROI
  • Tahapan Penilaian SROI
  • Serba-serbi SROI

Materi One Day Training ESG:

  • Memahami ESG dan Keberlanjutan Perusahaan
  • Ekosistem dan Pemeringkatan ESG
  • Materialitas ESG dan Pemetaannya
  • Strategi dan Pengintegrasian ESG
  • Pelaporan dan Komunikasi ESG

Materi One Day Training Inovasi Sosial :

  • Pengertian Inovasi Sosial
  • Karakteristik Inovasi Sosial
  • Inovasi Sosial oleh Perusahaan
  • Perkembangan Mutakhir Inovasi Sosial
  • Inovasi Sosial di Indonesia
  • PAKET 1 : Practice Guide: ESG & SROI, Forum ISIF

    Paket yang didapat : New Insight and Unique Perspective, Training Module, ISIF e-presentation materials, Coffee Break, Lunch, Certificate, Networking and Collaboration, Ekslusive Souvenir, ID Card, Photo on The Spot

  • PAKET 2 : Practice Guide: ESG & Inovasi Sosial, Forum ISIF

    Paket yang didapat : New Insight and Unique Perspective, Training Module, ISIF e-presentation materials, Coffee Break, Lunch, Certificate, Networking and Collaboration, Ekslusive Souvenir, ID Card, Photo on The Spot

  • PAKET 3 : Practice Guide: CSV & SROI, Forum ISIF

    Paket yang didapat : New Insight and Unique Perspective, Training Module, ISIF e-presentation materials, Coffee Break, Lunch, Certificate, Networking and Collaboration, Ekslusive Souvenir, ID Card, Photo on The Spot

  • PAKET 4 : Practice Guide: CSV & Inovasi Sosial, Forum ISIF

    Paket yang didapat : New Insight and Unique Perspective, Training Module, ISIF e-presentation materials, Coffee Break, Lunch, Certificate, Networking and Collaboration, Ekslusive Souvenir, ID Card, Photo on The Spot

  • One Day Training 1 : ESG & SROI

    Benefit yang didapat: - Insight updated related to topic - Training Module - Coffee Break - Lunch - Certificate - Networking and Collaboration

  • One Day Training 2 : ESG & Inovasi Sosial

    Benefit yang didapat: - Insight updated related to topic - Training Module - Coffee Break - Lunch - Certificate - Networking and Collaboration

  • One Day Training 3 : CSV & SROI

    Benefit yang didapat: - Insight updated related to topic - Training Module - Coffee Break - Lunch - Certificate - Networking and Collaboration

  • One Day Training 4 : CSV & Inovasi Sosial

    Benefit yang didapat: - Insight updated related to topic - Training Module - Coffee Break - Lunch - Certificate - Networking and Collaboration

  • Forum ISIF (2 Hari)

    Benefit yang didapat : - New Insight and Unique Perspective - Training Module - ISIF e-presentation materials - Coffee Break - Lunch - Certificate - Networking and Collaboration - Ekslusive Souvenir - ID Card - Photo on The Spot